Many people have tile in their home in some areas. The main areas that people tend to have tile installed as a flooring option is in the bathroom, kitchen, laundry room and entry way. Although these are not the only areas that tile is used they are the most common. There are lots of people that choose to have tile run through all the areas of their home with the exception of the bedrooms! Tile is a really great flooring option because of the long lasting and stain resistant nature. Your tile floor is less likely to stain as carpeted flooring is and is harder to damage as well. There are many items that if they are spilled or dropped on tile can be removed easily but if the same item were on carpet the removal process may become harder. If you have tile in your home or are looking into getting new flooring check out what trends there are for tile choices.
Silver State Floor Restoration has a list of some of the new tile trends.
Tile That Looks Like Wood Floors: If you want that classic look of a wood floor but don’t want the hassle of the upkeep and refinishing, this may be the best choice for you. The tiles are manufactured to look like wood flooring and when installed many people at a glance will have no idea that it is tile and not wood. The grain and coloring is very realistic and the cleaning process for the tile is much easier than real wood. Tile can be cleaned and polished by a professional on a regular basis to leave it looking great. Real wood floors will need more maintenance and care to keep them from looking damaged. Contact Silver State Floor Restoration for all your tile and grout cleaning needs!
Tile That Looks Like Bricks: This is another type of tile that mimics the look of some other walling or flooring material. Bricks add some character to any décor and is a cool focal point when it is installed on a wall and even more so on the floor. The tile mimics the look and texture of brick in many colors and sizes. The tile is much easier to take care of and can be added to walls and even floors.
Tile Can Be Used As A Highlight Wall: This is a cool new trend that is taking off. Many people are choosing to forgo the normal backsplash and using tile in the same manner but having it applied to an entire wall. These tiles will still needs to be cleaned and polished to keep them looking their best. Contact Silver State Floor Restoration to make your next appointment for expert tile and grout cleaning, polishing and sealing