Cleaning your grout can be such a daunting task. Getting down on your hands and knees to scrub the tile is not something that sounds super fun. So how do you keep your grout clean and what can you do to help it stay clean? Silver State Floor Restoration is here to give you a few tips for keeping your grout clean.
Ensure Grout is Properly Sealed
If you have tile in your home, you know that the grout can get pretty dirty with dirt, spills, grease, and other things getting on it over time. When you seal the grout, it can help stop things from getting on and in your grout. It will also help repel any spills or moisture, mildew, or mold. How do you go about getting your grout sealed? You can do it yourself, but it is not an easy task. You want to make sure you have removed all the dirt and grime on your grout beforehand. It also requires precision. Hiring a professional is so much easier when you are trying to seal your grout. We have the right tools to clean your grout perfectly and we know how to seal it so it looks great
Change Mop Water Often when Mopping
Grout is very porous, meaning it has little holes in it. Because of this water or dirt can get down into your grout making it look and be dirty. If you are using dirty water, mops, or brushes you can be pushing dirt around and down inside the grout. When it comes to cleaning you need to make sure you change the water so you have clean water and clean the cleaning tools you are using. This will ensure you don’t just push the dirt around. You also need to remember to make sure you sweep or vacuum before you start mopping. You don’t want to be pushing dirt around getting it into that grout when you just needed it to be vacuumed up in the first place.
Best Tile Cleaner
Maybe you are an all-natural person who likes to use vinegar, lemon, and baking soda to clean. Or maybe you are the type that likes to bleach or use ammonia on everything. If you are either one of these people you need to stop right there. You should not use any of these products on your grout. They will cause problems and decay to your grout. You need to use a near-natural cleaner on your grout. You also need to use a hard-strength to a medium-strength nylon bristle brush. Never use steel wool or wire brushes, it can damage the grout. When you are putting on near-natural cleaner let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. This will help get the dirt loosened and you won’t have to scrub as hard. Once the time has passed then you can scrub and clean your grout.
Keep Rooms Ventilated
Mold and mildew love moisture and humidity. So, if you have a room such as a bathroom that is not being ventilated after a shower then mold and mildew will start to grow on your grout. One of the best things you can do is open windows and turn on exhaust fans to let out the humidity. A great thing you can also do is wipe down the walls of your shower when you are done. This will help get rid of the moisture that is laying on your shower tile and grout.
Tile & Grout Cleaning, Sealing & More in Aliante, Centennial, Desert Shores, Eldorado, Enterprise, Green Valley Ranch, Henderson, Lone Mountain Village, North LV, Peccole Ranch, Paradise, Silverado Ranch, Spring Valley, Summerlin, Sunrise Manor, Tuscany Village, Whitney, Winchester & Las Vegas Nevada
If you are wondering if your grout is dirty, you just need to look in a spot on your tile that does not have as much traffic. You will notice a difference between your grout that has heavy traffic versus no traffic. And if your tile needs a good cleaning give Silver State Floor Restoration a call. They will come and get your tile and grout looking beautiful again.